Tracey Cossey (Social Worker)

LifeCo Psychology team member Tracey has been a social worker for 20 years, working with the police with youth/families at risk, and then Child Youth & Family (CYF), now Oranga Tamariki, as an evaluator of Youth Justice Programmes. Tracey then moved to London, where she worked as a front-line social worker in a care and protection team equivalent to Oranga Tamariki. On her return to NZ, she worked updating policies and procedures for Waiora Social Services and provided social work oversight to their team whilst doing some contract work for the old CYF. Tracey worked at Community Mental Health for ten years in a dual role, also providing crisis support on the Mental Health Assessment and Home Treatment Team (MHAT) before taking a position as a family violence coordinator at the Whanganui District Health Board.

Tracey has experience working with a vast array of people and is committed to the protection of women and children in our community. She prefers to see people on Fridays as this is the day she does have available however she can be contacted to discuss options if this does not fit.

Tracey has taught mindfulness groups and family violence responses. She is a clinical social worker and completed courses in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Interactive Drawing Therapy 2008, Family Therapy, Sudden Traumatic Events, understanding and working with Sexual Abuse, and many more. Tracey says, “I like to build resiliency and strength in those that I work with the support them to move forward with their lives in a positive manner.”

Registered Social Worker

BA Social Work

Member of both the ANZASW (Australian New Zealand Association of Social Workers) & the Social Workers Registration Board

LifeCo Psychology Team Whanganui and Manawatu