Kristen Hamling (Psychologist)

Dr. Kristen Hamling is a registered psychologist who has worked with first responders forover twenty years. She completed a PhD in first responder wellbeing. Her researchinvestigated exactly how first responders manage to stay well in a job in which they facecomplex challenges every day. Kristen was a uniformed member and a psychologist in theAustralian Army Reserve and the Australian Defence Force where she worked for around 10years. She has worked in private practice for over 15 years and holds contracts with ACC, NZPolice, FENZ and St John. Kristen also works with various organisations to promote trauma-informed wellbeing policies and practices. Kristen is a huge advocate for giving voice topeople with lived experience and empowering people to tell their story. She has trained andsupervised peer support officers in NSW Ambulance, St John and FENZ, and is a therapistand supervisor for other psychologists. Kristen is an Aussie turned Kiwi,now living in Whanganui with her partner, boys and step daughter.

Skills Summary

  • Trauma management using Psychological First Aid
  • Suicide awareness training
  • Consulting to primary, intermediate and secondary schools on pedagogy and mindset
  • Treating depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder using trauma-CBT and ACT.
  • Trauma-informed approach to therapy.
  • EAP provision
  • Communication training
  • Peer support training
  • Coaching using VIA, ACT, and the ACT Matrix to promote resilience and wellbeing
  • Clinical and violence assessments
  • PROSOCIAL facilitator (enabling teams to gain clarity of purpose; developing team cooperation and collaboration).