Kristen Cook

Kristen offers a warm friendly environment where she offers support to explore challenges or issues.  Strengths that have guided you through life will be identified and Kristen will share practical tools you can use in everyday life. By developing insight and anchoring skills to work through the ‘curve balls’ life can throw at us, you can move closer to your preferred ways of being.

Therapy sessions are flexible and tailored to individual’s needs on the day. Kristen draws on a range of evidence based therapeutic approaches to unpack stressors and emotions. The most prominent therapeutic approaches blended into sessions are; Narrative Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Sandtray Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Strength Based Therapy and Play Therapy if age appropriate. Kristen’s aim is to create a space where you feel heard, supported, and empowered as issues are collaboratively worked through.