Clinical Social Worker/Counsellor- Whanganui-Children/Youth
Kia ora koutou katoa
Ko Ruapehu te maunga ngakau nui ki au
Ko Whanganui te awa ngakau nui nei ki au
Ko Wellington toku kāinga tupu
Ko Hannah Joy, Zion, Boaz, David, Sally aku
Ko Elizabeth Price tōku ingoa
Nō reira, tēnā tātou katoa
LifeCo therapist Elizabeth states, “Throughout my adult life I have had the privilege of working closely with pēpē, tamariki, whānau and the wider community, originally as a teacher in primary schools and kindergartens. Then several years ago, after completing my Master of Applied Social Work at Massey University, I worked at Open Home Foundation as a recruiter and social worker where, in a team environment, I provided training and support for foster parents in their vital role of caring for tamariki and rangatahi.
In the last couple of years, I have greatly valued working through Family Works as a Kaihautū, doing counselling in schools across a few schools in the Whanganui region.
I love seeing tamariki and families flourish and have a strong belief in the intrinsic worth of each person and their cultural heritage and am empathetic towards those in need and/or crisis.
I come from a strengths perspective and have experience in the neurosequential therapeutic model of intervention, crisis intervention and trauma-informed practice.
My children are very important to me, and I live with them and my 3 Cavalier spaniels at Kai Iwi Beach”.
• Master of Applied Social Work
• Bachelor of Education
• Diploma of Teaching (Primary)
• SWRB – Social Work Registration Board
• ANZASW – Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers