Clinical Social Worker/Counsellor -Napier/Hastings- Child/Youth/Adult- Supervision
Ko tenei toku papa
Ko Takatimu te waka
Ko Whakapunaki te maunga
Ko Te Wairoa Hōnengenenge Hopūpū Matangirau te awa
Ko Taihoa te marae
Ko Deanna Hollis toku ingoa.
LifeCo therapist Deanna is a Registered Social Worker, who has worked as a clinical social worker in mental health for the past 25 years, specialising in child, adolescent and family, and co-existing mental health disorders. She is working towards completing accreditation for EMDR and is trained and experienced in a range of therapeutic modalities, including talking therapies, kaupapa Māori models of health, and sensory modulation. Deanna is a māma`, wife and nanny, and is passionate about supporting people who have experienced trauma to develop the tools to maintain personal wellbeing.