
Ko tenei toku papa 

Ko Takatimu te waka 

Ko Whakapunaki te maunga 

Ko Te Wairoa Hōnengenenge Hopūpū Matangirau te awa 

Ko Taihoa te marae 

Ko Deanna Hollis toku ingoa. 

Deanna is a Registered Social Worker, who has worked as a clinical social worker in mental health for the past 25 years, specialising in child, adolescent and family, and co-existing mental health disorders. She is working towards completing accreditation for EMDR and is trained and experienced in a range of therapeutic modalities, including talking therapies, kaupapa Māori models of health, and sensory modulation. Deanna is a māma`, wife and nanny, and is passionate about supporting people who have experienced trauma to develop the tools to maintain personal wellbeing.